Wine And Dine
「Wine and Dine」 is a new section of picupthesesame. In this program, we talk to friends who work in different fields, such as curation, self-publication. Armed with good wine, we chatted casually and learned more about their lives outside of their daily routines.
Xiaoyuan (Xiao Gao) is a graphic designer with a specialization in font design. During her exploration of font design, she found that strict adherence to the conventions commonly advocated by male font designers in the market is not necessary. Over the past few years, she has developed unconventional approaches to font creation. By sharing her experiences, she aims to assist female designers interested in font design but who may have encountered technical challenges hindering the continuation of their journey.
第四期的聊天我们邀请到了扒赖客(大黑)。他是多元文化厂牌「Pharos环绕寺」的发起人之一,也是时尚造型师,同时供职于《V Magazine》做时装编辑工作。多重身份的扒赖客跟我们分享了他的多重生活。
8LACK (Dahei) is a fashion stylist and one of the founders of PHAROS, a multicultural label that hosts parties, multimedia art, creative services and other activities. With endless curiosity and thinking about the world, they continue to innovate and broaden their understanding of the boundaries of the land. In our talk, they share with us their extraordinary lives in multiple identities.
第三期聊天我們邀請到了插畫師niptong。她的作品讓人聯想到換裝遊戲盛行的QQ秀時代,造型多樣的女孩是她作品中最鮮明的形象。做書,做傢具小模型,做衣服,各種形式都是承載她作品的方法。她把自己形容為一個問號「?」,代表著疑問、諷刺、未知與可能... ...
Niptong is an illustrator. Her works are reminiscent of the era of 2000s, where dress-up games QQ shows were popular. Working forms like Making books, making small models of furniture, designing clothes all are ways to carry her thoughts. She describes herself as the punctuation "?" that represents doubt, sarcasm, the unknown and the possible...
Weisixue is an artist known for soft style of painting. In addition to painting, she is also involved in music production and animation. We observed that her paintings have changed from imponderable illusory shapes to weighty objects. Based on this change, we talked with Weisixue about her latest creations.
For the first talk, we invited self-publishing worker Zhu Wenqi (kiki). As a former full-time editor and staff of Mumu Art Museum, Kiki shared with us the difference between full-time and freelance.